Katherine Drexel Worksheet

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Embrace Your Calling To Serve

Like Drexel, embrace your calling to serve. Be intentional about being compassionate: maintain a commitment to compassion at the center of your life. make it a central part of your life. Don’t try to attend every conference, workshop, seminar or retreat with a nice slogan or big promise. Know what’s important to you about serving others and stick to you. To be CENTERED in your compassion, ask yourself:

What are my core values . . . the things that are most important to me? . . . . . . is helping those less fortunate than me one of my core values?


If yes, how am I living it out in my daily life? How could I be doing it better, to touch more people in positive ways?


If helping others is not important to me, why not?



Have I ever been involved in a project, initiative or movement in which my selfinterest was not the center but compassion to others was the center? . . . If so, describe the project and what it meant to you.



How could a more compassion-centered lifestyle be of benefit to me?